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Let's learn about you and your company to ensure there is a good fit for an assistant!


Quick Info

Elevate Assistant provides full-time talent to handle manual tasks, automation, campaign management, design, reporting and so much more.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Do you offer short-term / part-time contracts?

Our partnerships are subject to a minimum 90-day commitment at the onset of the partnership.  At the 90-day mark, the contract moves to month-to-month basis.

For a full list of our terms, check out our Terms of Service.


Can we trust an executive assistant?

Yes! We do not store any client data, and EAs work within your platform.
We do not store any client data, and since EAs are embedded in your team (using your email domain and systems) you have the ability to monitor all EA activity just as you would another employee.

Some clients do provide their Elevate Assistants with a VPN for additional security.  If there is ever a concern that client data was compromised, EAs are trained to alert their teams ASAP.  For more information on information security, check out our Terms of Service. 

How do you track assistant work hours?

Our payroll system allows people to clock in and out. This helps us to track assistant productivity, as well as unexpected absences or outages.

The system also takes screenshots of their system every ~10 minutes.  Research indicates that this is a best practice for managing a remote workforce, however tracking is not mandatory and not turned on by default.

Can a client review candidate resumes?

Our process is unique, and our clients do not participate in the interviewing process. We handle EVERYTHING. When we present an Assistant we are not presenting them for your review or approval, but rather for placement - it's their first day on the job!

What is the holiday policy for assistant?

All Assistants are allowed 7 paid time off holidays per calendar year, according to the local holiday policies of their client. Additionally, they can earn up to five days in a calendar year. Per our policy, holidays cannot be taken during the first 90 days of work. All GAs are required to request holiday at least 2 weeks prior to the holiday. If you need a different policy, we are happy to discuss about it during onboarding process